Our Artists

To be a Supporting Artist means to change the lives of people in more ways than one.

Marcello Costantinou

Marcello Costantinou is a singer songwriter and guitarist whose solo performances have taken him across the globe; with notable performances at Silverstone F1 and The Olympic Park.

Besides writing and playing his own material, Marcello also performs at wedding ceremonies, co-hosts a radio show and teaches guitar privately.

To find out more about Marcello, visit his website.


Chels Mae

Chels Mae is an interdisciplinary artists with a passion for photography and painting. Her work is predominantly focused on landscape and the abstract.

She is currently working on completing her MA body of work titled ‘Rediscovering Place'.

Chels will be exhibiting some of her work at our opening show in Plymouth.

To find out more about Chels Mae, visit her website.


What it Means to be a Supporting Artist


As Artists ourselves, we know that The Arts can change lives. Art brings beauty into the world. It allows us to explore emotions, feelings, what it means to be human.

But all these things are secondary to our basic needs as humans. They enhance the human experience but cannot support it alone.

But by becoming a Supporting Artist, you can use your talents and creativity to do so. Your work can be used to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and give shelter to those without a home.

Click here and fill in the form to find out how.